RFS for “ViK” OOD, Varna, “ViK” EOOD, Dobrich, “ViK” OOD, Silistra, “ViK” OOD, Ruse

RFS for “ViK” OOD, Varna, “ViK” EOOD, Dobrich, “ViK” OOD, Silistra, “ViK” OOD, Ruse

Preparation of technical and economic documentation for regional water and waste water projects, including the preparation and elaboration of feasibility studies. Application forms for European financing for agglomerations with more than 10 000 PE and IP for linear water and waste water infrastructure and the associated facilities for agglomerations with more than 10 000 PE for the territory of the water operators, part of LOT 3 – RFS for “ViK” OOD, Varna, “ViK” EOOD, Dobrich, “ViK” OOD, Silistra, “ViK” OOD, Ruse. 

Contracting Authority: Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works

Start: 31-03-2016            

End: 30-09-2019

  • Collection and analysis of the existing situation in relation to the water and waste water systems, as well as the need for implementing measures to achieve compliance with the applicable national and European legislation in the field of drinking water, waste water disposal and treatment

  • Collection of actual and reliable data for the water and waste water systems

  • Validating the boundaries and loads of agglomerations on the territory of the WSC

  • Analysis of the available documentation and the need of additional information

  • Data sufficiency

  • Analysis of the regional water and waste water master plans for the designated territories

  • Measures, needed to achieve compliance with the applicable national and European legislation in the field of drinking water, waste water disposal and treatment

  • Feasibility studies. Application forms for European funding with the respective appendices (technical, ecological, financial and economic reports) and integrated projects for investment initiative for agglomerations with more than 10 000 PE 

  • Feasibility Studies

  • Preparation and filling in of an application form for European funding for agglomerations with more than 10 000 PE with the respective appendices in compliance with Art. 101 Regulation 1303/2013 and the respective actual implementing regulations, annexes and appendices

  • Preparation of institutional analysis of the WSC

  • Preparation of “Financial and economic analysis”

  • Needed documents related to the ecological requirements and legislation – document preparation – annex to the application form, providing compliance of the project with the requirements of the legislation in the environmental sector

  • Preparation of a public procurement plan    

  • Analysis in regard to the “State Aid” category in regard to the investment project    

  • Filling in application forms for European funding for agglomerations with more than 10 000 PE

  • Integrated projects for investment initiative for the water supply and waste water infrastructure and the associated facilities for agglomerations with more than 10 000 PE (without DWTP and the WWTP)

  • Feasibility studies for agglomerations with less than 10 000 P.E. for the measures outside the scope of the application forms for the European funding for the designated territories of the WSCs